Pregnancy #2 Weeks 29-33

IMG_4175So far this third trimester is just flying by. The month of September was a busy one for us. I’m hoping October settles down a bit so I can finish up some projects around our house before little bebes arrives, but our weekends are filling up. When I look at how close we are to the end, it freaks me out a little bit. Soon we’ll have two little lives to care for and nurture. Yet, when I look back at when I first found out I was pregnant, I feel like I’ve been pregnant forever. It’s a strange feeling, but I cannot wait to meet this little peanut!
Aversions: Nothing really new since I’ve been sticking to what I know works for me. Coffee smells in our house still get to me. I don’t really get this one since I have no problem drinking it, but the smell of someone else making it, makes my stomach turn.
Cravings: Still going strong with burgers and sandwiches. Carbs & protein…it’s what the baby’s craving. I’ve definitely been eating more red meat than usual and I haven’t had any problems with my iron levels this pregnancy. I’m pretty sure that has something to do with it. On the flip side, a cinnamon roll from Cinnabon has been high on my list the past few days. I haven’t had one of these probably since my BMT graduation, roughly 12 years ago.
Workouts: Things are definitely slowing down over here. I still feel good, but I’m not as mobile as I was just a few weeks ago. Exercising while pregnant is a very funny thing and varies from person to person, pregnancy to pregnancy, day to day. While I was pregnant with Madelyn I could walk 2+ miles every day with no problems. I walked (er, waddled) nearly 3 miles the night I went into labor with her. With this baby, walking can be uncomfortable one day and perfectly fine the next. I walked for 20 minutes last week outside and I had such horrible round ligament pain and cramping. But two days prior, I went to a bootcamp cardio class and had zero problems. I’ve been missing running like crazy as of lately and I’m already scoping out races to do in January. I’m still attending spin class at least twice a week and doing barre and the elliptical for cardio. I walked into spin class a few weeks ago and the instructor (whom I’ve never had before) came over to me and asked how far along I was, if I’d done spin etc., etc. He’s like “Well I’ve delivered babies before so if you go into labor, I’ve got you covered!” hah! Thank you sir for that. I plan on pedaling away until baby’s born if all goes well.
Madelyn: We did a big sibling class with her which was fun. It gave me a chance to see where I will be delivering since we’re at a different hospital this time around. Madelyn enjoys walking into the baby’s room, looking around at everything and saying, “This is where I’m going to rock and feed the baby. This is the book I’m going to read to the baby. This is where I’m going to change the baby’s poopy diaper.” haha! I can already tell that she is going to be a big help.
Energy: Sleep the last few weeks has become a fleeting memory. I’ve been waking up at least 2-3 times a night to use the bathroom and when I get up, baby’s having a dance party in my belly which makes it hard to fall back asleep. Somewhere between midnight and 3 am. So that’s fun. I’ve been making it a goal of mine to get to bed every night NLT than 9pm. I’ve also been trying to rest on the days I have off of work while Madelyn’s napping/resting as well. Nap time in our house has also become a fleeting memory. Sometimes they happen, other days they just don’t.
sleepingpackerfanWhat’s new these past few weeks? We found two doulas we really liked. Decided to go with one and then decided I didn’t need one. I was having a hard time justifying spending the money on one when I’ve had an all-natural birth without one. I’ve been doing lots of research on pain management in labor and I’m pretty confident that Larry, the nurses and I’ve got this covered. Also, the acupuncturist I’m seeing offers acupuncture in labor and delivery. It’s $100 to have her come to either your house or the hospital and spend up to 3 hours with you while in labor. A much easier pill for me swallow as opposed to the $600 + I was about to shell out for a doula. I got the clear from my midwife that I’m allowed to have an acupuncturist come in while I’m laboring in the hospital. Baby’s car seat and bases have been washed and are ready to be installed into the car. I’m still gathering stuff for my hospital bag and slowing putting the finishing touches on the baby’s room. I feel like we’ve made a lot of progress on things the past few weeks, but we still have a lot to do and time is ticking away! As it gets closer I’m getting more excited but yet a little more nervous to go into labor. I’m actually looking forward to giving birth again, just more nervous because you never know how it’s going to happen. I also had a dream that she turned out to be HE. So fingers crossed there is indeed a girl in there or else this little boy will be wearing a lot of pink 🙂

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